Google viser med sit netop annoncerede opkøb af finske Jaiku endnu en gang sit stærke fokus på mobiltelefonerne. Jaiku er med i hele bølgen af software til sociale netværk, hvor man får bedre mulighed for at følge med i andres liv og levned og omvendt, men altså primært via mobiltelefonen. Vil man for eksempel ringe en ven op, får man via Jaiku lige besked om, hvorvidt hans mobil er tændt, hvor i verden, han er, og hans seneste kortbeskeder om, hvad han gør.
Jeg er ikke selv Jaiku-bruger, og derfor vælger jeg at citere en kendt bruger, Tim O'Reilly (berømt som manden, der opfandt begrebet web 2.0), for fordelene. Jeg har skåret noget ud fra et blogindlæg om, at nok elsker han sin nye iPhone, men han savner Jaiku, som han havde på sin "gamle" Nokia-telefon:
"The fact that there are no third party applications (til iPhone, red.) means no jaiku, Jyri Engeström's brilliant hack to add presence to the phone address book. On the surface, jaiku looks a lot like twitter (miniblogning via mobilen, red.) -- a broadcast messaging platform to a social network (although it predates twitter), but it's far more than that. I'm not that interested in seeing trivia updates from my contacts, or sharing mine, as a generalized news stream, but I love seeing this kind of information right before I call them.
In addition to showing someone's latest Jaiku, the smart address book also tells me where people are (with location picked up from the nearest cell tower, and crowdsourcing used to name the towers and tie to recognizable locations), and shows their phone's status.....
I love the idea of knowing where people are before I call them, as well as other details of a phone's status. And that's where Jaiku shines. How often have you woken someone up in the middle of the night because they were in Europe instead of Silicon Valley?
This is the way a phone address book ought to work. I continue to think that the address book is one of the great untapped Web 2.0 opportunities, and that the phone, even more than email and IM, and certainly more than an outside-in, invitation-driven "social networking application" represents my real social network. On the series 60 phone, Jaiku was able to embrace and extend the address book. That's just not possible on the iPhone." Citat slut, og hele blogindlægget her.
Herhjemme har købet vakt stor glæde hos Henriette Weber Andersen, der via sit firma Toothless Tiger, har hjulpet Jaiku med at få omtale vidt og bredt. At dømme efter hendes profilwebsted er hun selv villig til at smide, hvad hun end måtte have i hænderne, hvis Google også skulle ønske hendes PR- og marketingekspertise.
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