
Kina skærper kontrol med blogs

Kina skærper kontrollen over for blogs og søgemaskiner, fortæller nyhedstjenesten Associated Press. Det sker for at blokere for materiale, der er "undergravende" eller "amoralsk". Så er der vist frit spil for censuren.

BEIJING (AP) -- China is tightening controls on blogs and search engines to block material deemed subversive or immoral, the government said Friday.
The announcement comes amid a media crackdown by President Hu Jintao's government, with Web sites being shut down and journalists jailed.
''As more and more illegal and unhealthy information spreads through the blog and search engine, we will take effective measures to put the BBS, blog and search engine under control,'' said Cai Wu, director of the Information Office of China's Cabinet, quoted by the official Xinhua News Agency.
China encourages Internet use for business and education, but tries to block access to material deemed obscene or politically dangerous.

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